Thine eyes hath seen the glory of HTML (0)

From the army of virtual dust bunnies that have accumulated in the equally virtual nooks and crannies of our little Internet abode, it’s probably safe for you to assume that neither Roo nor I have been doing a very good job of keeping abreast of housekeeping lately.


Women’s roles, indeed.


And as I presume you have noticed, we finally found the time to give the place a much-needed renovation. Actually, that’s a lie. We didn’t find time. We honed our procrastination skills, neglecting precious exam study time in the process.


Perhaps, had we not spent an entire afternoon trying to grasp the rudiments of HTML, we could have employed our study time in a (marginally) more productive manner, and not bombed a good half of our exams. Perhaps.


Speaking of exams, hallelujah, for they are over, and we have since reverted back to our mundane, pre-exams, cbf-stricken lives. Plainness has never been so beautiful.



Now that you know we’re still alive, it’s back to work. It’s a hard life.


Ciao, kiddies,



IOU(s)? (2)

I am well aware that a post with regard to finally meeting Gillam is long overdue.

I am also aware that the new layout, albeit being an improvement upon its predecessor, is quite substandard. Don’t blame me. Blame the exams for occupying so much of my time.

Perhaps I should go study.

No, no, I wouldn’t do that to you.

Let’s see… Finally meeting Gillam.

It was… anticlimactic, for lack of better word. No fireworks, no dramatic background music, nothing. Not even awkwardness. Well, maybe a little bit. But only a little bit.

It was in wake of that even that Roo and I unanimously decided (you don’t get that often, I assure you) that we would put Gillam to rest. Not literally, of course – I promise we didn’t kill him. That’s just mean.

So, yeah. The legacy of Rob Gillam is officially dead. RIP, man.

Also, I’m tired, so I’ll sum up the period between the time of this post’s publication and that of the previous as quickly as possible:

  1. Exams are here. Let’s go jump off a cliff.
  2. Christ Church dance was pretty good.
  3. Perth has frozen over.

I’d say that’s about it.

Night, kiddies.


3 days, 10 hours, 57 minutes and 50 seconds... (0)

...until my impeding doom.

Semester exams are coming ever closer.
And my chances of heart failure are growing ever higher.

Seriously, I am actually considering just dropping out of everything and becoming the first ever Asian to be supported solely on Centrelink cash.

What motivation I possess have slowly been trickling away from me as I trudge through pages and pages of theory, of definitions, of diagrams.

And these are the humanities subjects.

Yet however much I'm tempted to just drop everything and sleep, I shall continue on, like the studious little girl I am.

My parents would be so proud.

But now, back to Politics.
Vertical Fiscal Imbalance exists where the allocation of revenue between Federal and State levels of government does not match expenditure responsibilities. This is reflected when...

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Standing on the rooftops
Everybody scream your heart out.

roo and izzy